It’s simple to fall into the myth that B2B buyers turn into
cold, uncaring machines the moment they enter the workplace. We are stuck with
the tedious technical dregs since those lucky individuals across the hall are
the only ones producing “interesting” B2C content.
This attitude is untrue. Although there are more parallels
than you may believe, B2B marketing presents a special set of difficulties that
are completely dissimilar from those faced in the consumer market, which causes
many companies to struggle with their strategy.
In business-to-business marketing, you’re required to gather
qualifying leads before turning the initiative over to the sales team, whereas
in business-to-consumer marketing, you’re expected to immediately produce the
sale. The B2B purchasing process is significantly more challenging because you
must market often-complex and highly sophisticated goods and services. You can
understand how chaotic it is when you consider that you’re probably working
with a web of stakeholders, each of whom is filled with their own knowledge and
online research.
1. Being noticeable online
I won’t be talking about the Harry Potter book when I say
that if you can find any company worth their salt without an online presence,
I’ll send you the location of the Philosopher’s Stone. What is challenging, but
not as challenging as turning common metals into gold, is creating a strong
online presence that gives you the megaphone and enables you to stand out in a
crowded market.
Most people in our digital age rely on the internet to give
them the solutions to their problems, whether it’s the meatloaf recipe, the
lyrics to the newest Bieber hit, or—more importantly—which service or item
would best meet their business needs. Get oneself at the top of the search
engine ranks, or close to it, in marketing jargon.
Every page worth visiting features a predominance of
businesses with a strong web presence. Who really reads past page five, I mean?
As the saying goes, the grease goes on the wheel that squeaks the loudest. It
involves more than just shouting the loudest, though. In addition to creating
excellent content, you must strategically plan your ascent to the top. The good
news is that you can take steps to go up the Google and other search engines,
like Microsoft’s Bing, ladder.
Steps to take
SEO is the way to go if you want to stand out online and cut
through the clutter. Your lead generation can be greatly impacted by creating
an SEO strategy that not only optimizes your website but also offers long-term,
gradual gains.
2. Differentiating your brand
Recall the days when huge firms with sizable marketing
budgets were the only ones allowed to reach a broad audience? Wonderful news:
those times are over.
For B2B businesses, however, the problem of being
competitive persists. Every yin has an opposite yang, which in this situation
means there are more competition to deal with. With the help of social media,
free events, and webinars, even a young start-up can now implement a dynamic
marketing strategy. Because of this, you must distinguish your company and
brand from the competition. What distinguishes you from everyone else?
Start by telling the story of your brand. The notion that
only B2C firms could afford the luxury of creativity and storytelling has
shifted over time. The customers who deal with those businesses are the same
customers that deal with yours. This opinion is supported by a study that Binet
and Field, the authors of “The Long and Short of It,” conducted for
LinkedIn. The study demonstrates the significance of brand creation for B2B
businesses and demonstrates how growth may be fuelled by appealing to the
emotions of business purchasers. That doesn’t mean to make people cry, just to
be clear.
Steps to take
By combining it into pertinent and interesting material,
storytelling can help you establish connections and rapport with your target
audience. Don’t be afraid to tell your story; it’s one of the ways you set
yourself apart from the competitors. Due to the nature of business-to-business
transactions, you will have competitors selling goods and services that are
similar to yours in the B2B arena. Try to give your company and brand a human
face. When customers comprehend why you do what you do rather than just what
you do, you are more likely to gain their trust.
3. The change in client buying process
A change has occurred in how consumers consume content, make
informed purchasing decisions, and interact with salespeople as a result of the
focus on inbound marketing. In the past, people might consult the Yellow Pages,
consult with co-workers, or phone the salesman who had stopped by and left their
card when they needed a good or service.
Nowadays, individuals explore online and educate themselves;
according to studies, 70–90% of the B2B buying process is completed before
customers contact salespeople. Buyers’ doors used to be knocked on by sellers.
The roles have changed in modern times. Even if you have the ideal solution for
their issue, if your content doesn’t get to them, that door won’t ring.
Steps to take
A challenging dynamic with numerous stakeholders makes it
difficult for purchasers. In this case, taking proactive measures to make this
journey simpler is the key to winning their business. According to research,
when consumers obtain information that aids them in moving farther along in the
purchasing process, they are more likely to feel as though they have entered
into a “high-value, low-regret” deal. Make sure to create interesting
content that guides readers through the process, giving the right information
to the right individuals at the right time and place.
Check out our brand-new eBook, “A fool-proof guide to
content marketing,” to acquire the most recent information on marketing
trends, practical suggestions, and engaging content. It’s intended to assist
B2B marketers in producing content that places them at the forefront of the
discussion, allowing you to present your best self and provide potential
clients with the support they require.
4. B2B Lead Generation
Research revealed that B2B and B2C marketing are more
comparable than we initially believed. However, one of the main distinctions is
the latter’s quick sales cycle. B2C businesses promote directly to the
consumer, who then purchases the product—sometimes with only one click if
they’re purchasing online with Amazon—after viewing the advertisement. It could
be a necessity for the buyer or just an impulsive purchase.
Oh, look! Three loofahs are available for the price of two.
To refuse would be stupid
Everyone enjoys loofahs, I’m sure of it. I would hate living
in a world without those squishy treats. However, the B2B purchasing procedure
is more complicated than that. There is almost little probability of making an
impulsive purchase. Nobody is likely to look at bottles for the liquid they manufacture and
say, “5,000 of them are going straight in my basket,” even if they do
think it looks good.
In the B2B market, generating leads needs well planned
marketing initiatives that gradually build close bonds with customers.
Producing relevant and interesting content is important, something I obviously
can’t emphasise enough, since it typically serves as the main technique of
accomplishing this or at least the beginning point.
Steps to take
The alignment of the sales and marketing departments,
sometimes known as “smarketing,” is a growing trend that is gaining
popularity inside many organisations.
Despite working toward the same overall objective, these two
departments frequently have different short-term goals, which causes a gap.
Marketing leads, email opening goals, and website traffic metrics don’t always
result in sales. But this can be changed, and improved teamwork can
significantly accelerate business growth.
Sales teams, the good ones at least, should be intimately
familiar with their clientele and be able to provide insightful information
about their problems, difficulties, and objectives. Each of these things can
help create more compelling, relevant, and strong content that can support the
creation of effective marketing strategies. The fact that a quarter of
organisations say their marketing and sales teams aren’t coordinated is
Wrapping up
Respect your clients
A solid reputation is crucial for B2B technology companies
if you want your brand to stand out from the competition. Giving your business
a real human face may transform it from a faceless corporation into a
personable, relatable, and reliable brand, giving you an advantage over your
After phone talks, send short emails summarising the key
issues you’ve discussed, and always send thank-you letters once the sale is
closed. Customers will see that you are in it to grow your business if you act
in this way. You’re already one step ahead of the competition if you can
maintain contact with your clients.